Food & Health
Food Pyramids can help you when you are making good eating selections
based on food categories, calories, being active, and serving amounts.
Together this can improve your overall health.
There are many ways to create a healthy eating pattern, but they all start with the three food groups at the base of the Pyramid: grains, fruits, and vegetables. Eating a variety of grains (especially whole grain foods), fruits, and vegetables.
Enjoy meals that have rice, pasta, tortillas, or whole grain bread at the center of the plate, accompanied by plenty of fruits and vegetables and a moderate amount of low fat foods from the milk group and the meat and beans group.
There are many healthful eating patterns Different people like different foods and like to prepare the same foods in different ways. Culture, family background, religion, moral beliefs, the cost and availability of food, life experiences, food intolerance, and allergies affect people’s food choices.
Use the Food Guide Pyramid as a starting point to shape your eating pattern. It provides a good guide to make sure you get enough nutrients. Make choices from each major group in the Food Guide Pyramid, and combine them however you like. Different foods contain different nutrients and other healthful substances. Remember, no single food can supply all the nutrients in the amounts you need.
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