We are a non-profit focused on the African American Community exercising outdoors with nature, but anyone can join in the activities, events, leadership roles, or membership regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender, or political beliefs.  We want everyone to join!

The objective is for the African American community to adopt exercise and outdoor activities in nature as a mindset. Through consistent activities reinforced and repeated in a group setting a healthier body and mind can emerge.

Black Outdoorsman was officially started in 2023.

Camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, biking, running, kayaking, Swimming, skiing, bird watching, gardening, farming

Philip Smith-Soboyede is the Founder

Membership cost is free at this time

Yes, anyone can start a Chapter but you must officially Apply and go through Official training.

It is easy just contact your local Chapter leader or The Black Outdoorsman Organization.

You can send money by paying online or mailing a check to our Corporate address.

Yes, there is an active online community where you can connect and speak with members in other regions about the Outdoors. Upon joining you automatically get an e-invitation to join and immediately can start participating. 

Contact us via email to start the conversation and next steps.

Officially registered as a corporation in Atlanta, Georgia. We are a 100% “Virtual” organization. This strategic decision allows for staff options, enhanced and improved employee experiences, lower costs compared to traditional Brick and Mortar institutions, and flexible life – work balance due to removal of long commutes, gas costs, parking and traditional employment pressures.